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Coworking 101

A Deep Dive into Coworking Spaces: Benefits, Types, and Why They Work

Published At: Mon, 05/20/2024 - 14:29

In the evolving landscape of work environments, coworking spaces have emerged as a beacon for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers seeking not just a place to work, but a community to belong to. These shared offices offer a unique blend of productivity, creativity, and flexibility that traditional offices cannot match. The rise of coworking spaces is a testament to the changing nature of work, where the importance of location, amenities, and work-life balance are increasingly recognized. By providing a solution that caters to these needs, coworking spaces have carved out a significant niche in the modern workplace.

This article delves into what coworking spaces are, tracing their history and evolution, and exploring the various types available to cater to diverse professional needs. You will discover the key advantages and potential disadvantages of opting for coworking spaces, from the vibrant community aspect to the considerations of cost and privacy. We will also discuss who benefits most from co-working environments, how to choose the right coworking space based on your specific needs, and finally, offer tips to maximize the benefits of your coworking experience. Whether you're an entrepreneur on the hunt for innovation, a freelancer in search of community, or a remote worker needing a change of scenery, this comprehensive guide is tailored for you.

What is Coworking?

Coworking, often spelled as "co-working," is a modern working arrangement where individuals from different companies share an office space. This concept allows for significant cost savings and convenience through the use of common infrastructures like equipment, utilities, receptionist, and custodial services. Some coworking spaces even offer refreshments and parcel acceptance services to their members. But coworking is more than just sharing a physical space; it's about creating a community where entrepreneurs, startups, nonprofits, and remote workers come together to collaborate and share ideas.

The Essence of Coworking Spaces

  1. Shared Facilities and Services: Coworking spaces are characterized by shared facilities, services, and tools. This sharing model helps spread the cost of running an office across all members. However, these spaces offer much more than just a way to reduce overhead costs.
  2. Community and Collaborative Workspace Hubs: Beyond being mere office spaces, coworking environments serve as community centers and collaborative workspace hubs. They are social spaces where individuals from diverse backgrounds can meet, share expertise, and explore new ideas together. This communal aspect of coworking has roots dating back to the first "hackerspaces" in Europe.
  3. Flexibility for Businesses: In recent times, coworking spaces have also become attractive to larger companies looking to cut down on unused office space, move away from traditional headquarters, and embrace a more flexible workspace model. These spaces allow businesses to expand into new areas and access fresh talent pools without the commitment of a long-term lease.
  4. A Solution for Remote Workers: Coworking spaces for rent provide a convenient option for newly remote workers to continue meeting and collaborating with colleagues without needing to travel far. This makes coworking spaces an excellent choice for those seeking the benefits of an office environment without being tied to a single employer's location.

Distinct from Traditional Office Models

Coworking is fundamentally different from business accelerators, incubators, private offices, and executive suites, which often lack the social, collaborative, and informal aspects that define coworking. In coworking environments, management practices lean more towards cooperative models, focusing on community building rather than profit maximization. This approach fosters a unique workplace culture that supports both individual and collective growth.

Types of Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces can be broadly categorized into two types: real-estate-centric and community-centric. Real-estate-centric spaces prioritize selling desks and offices, while community-centric spaces focus on building a community that also provides office space for rent or desk space. This distinction highlights the diverse nature of coworking spaces, catering to various needs and preferences.

Amenities and Features

Coworking spaces typically offer a range of amenities and features to support their members. These include:

  • Basic necessities like WiFi, printers, and conference rooms.
  • Additional resources such as tea, coffee, snacks, digital assets, receptionist services, and sometimes even 3D printers.
  • Various types of workspaces to cater to different work styles, including business lounge areas, secluded spots for focused work, phone booths, and meeting spaces.
  • Options for private office space for rent, office suites, and even smartphone apps to streamline workspace access and use.

Moreover, the community aspect of coworking spaces stands out as a key differentiator from traditional office environments. It brings together individuals and teams from companies of all sizes, creating a melting pot of professional experiences and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

In summary, coworking offers a flexible, cost-effective, and community-oriented solution for today's diverse workforce. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or part of a large enterprise, coworking spaces provide the infrastructure and social environment to thrive in the modern business landscape.

The History of Coworking

Tracing the origins of coworking spaces reveals a fascinating journey from niche community projects to mainstream workplace solutions. Understanding this history can provide you with insights into the evolution of work environments and the growing appeal of these innovative spaces.

Early Beginnings: The Hackerspace Movement

The concept of coworking can be traced back to 1995 in Berlin, Germany, where the first pseudo-coworking space, C-Base, was established by a group of 17 computer engineers. Designed as a "hackerspace," it was a place for collaborative tech projects, sharing knowledge and tools. This idea quickly spread, leading to the creation of additional hackerspaces in cities like San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Brooklyn by the end of the same year.

Official Coinage of "Coworking"

In 1999, the term "coworking" was coined by Bernard DeKoven, an American game designer. He envisioned coworking as collaborative work among equals, where individuals from different backgrounds could share insights and resources in a communal setting. This early definition emphasized the importance of a community-focused, shared knowledge workspace, setting the stage for the spaces we recognize today.

The Rise of Formal Coworking Spaces

The early 2000s marked the beginning of more formalized coworking spaces. In 2002, the Schraubenfabrik Entrepreneurs' Center opened in Vienna, offering a collaborative environment for architects, PR consultants, startups, and freelancers. This space was pivotal in moving away from the isolation of traditional work settings.

Expansion and Mainstream Acceptance

Brad Neuberg is credited with establishing the first official coworking space in 2005, known as the San Francisco Coworking Space. Located within Spiral Muse, this space was unique for its blend of structured and community-focused elements, such as shared lunches and meditation breaks. The concept quickly gained traction, leading to the opening of spaces like the Hat Factory and the first Hub in London.

Global Growth and Recognition

By 2006, the coworking movement had gained significant momentum, with New York City's Brooklyn Coworking and Jelly, a meetup for remote workers, expanding the concept further. The term "coworking" appeared on Google and Wikipedia in 2007, signifying its growing recognition. The late 2000s saw rapid expansion, with significant landmarks like the opening of Betahaus in Germany and the launch of WeWork in 2010, which became a major player in the industry.

Continuing Evolution

Today, coworking spaces are a global phenomenon, with thousands of locations worldwide catering to freelancers, startups, and even large corporations seeking flexible workspace solutions. The ongoing evolution of coworking spaces highlights their significant impact on how work is conducted in the modern era, emphasizing flexibility, community, and collaboration.

Types of Coworking Spaces

Traditional Coworking

Traditional coworking spaces are often what come to mind when you think about coworking. These spaces are designed to foster a collaborative environment, typically featuring an open layout with shared desks and communal areas. Here, you can choose a new spot each day, promoting interaction and networking among a diverse group of professionals. While these spaces provide significant economic benefits due to shared resources like kitchens, printers, and business lounges, they may not offer the privacy some professionals require.

Professional Coworking

Professional coworking spaces cater more to corporate clients or those who prefer a quieter, more structured environment. These spaces are often equipped with private offices or suites, providing a more conventional office setting but with the flexibility of coworking. The atmosphere is more subdued with professional, ergonomic furniture and meeting facilities, making it suitable for businesses that need a balance of collaboration and privacy.

Specialized Coworking

Specialized coworking spaces are tailored to specific industries or professional needs. Whether it's for healthcare providers, legal professionals, or creatives, these spaces offer environments that align closely with the particular demands of their users. They often feature customized amenities and privacy options, catering to groups that require a particular setting for their work. This customization helps foster a specialized community where members can thrive within their niche.

Lifestyle Coworking

Lifestyle coworking spaces blend work with social environments, often located within or adjacent to cafes, gyms, or even residential areas. These spaces are ideal for those who seek a more casual working environment. They are vibrant and well-lit, designed to provide a relaxed atmosphere that encourages networking and less formal collaboration. While they offer less privacy, the trade-off is a dynamic, energetic environment that can make the workday more enjoyable.

Each type of coworking space offers unique advantages depending on your professional needs and working style. Whether you need a lively open space that encourages networking or a more private, industry-specific environment, there's a coworking space designed to meet those needs.

Advantages of Coworking

Meaningful Work and Community Support

Coworking spaces offer a unique environment where you can engage in work that feels meaningful. Whether you're a freelancer selecting projects that align with your passions or a remote worker part of a larger corporation, the setting in a coworking space allows you to bring your whole self to work. This sense of purpose is enhanced by a community culture where helping and collaborating with others is the norm. With a diverse range of professionals around, you have the opportunity to leverage unique skill sets that can aid in your projects and professional growth.

Flexibility and Access

One of the standout advantages of coworking spaces is their flexibility. Members can access the space 24/7, allowing you to choose how and when you work best. Whether it's putting in long hours to meet a deadline or taking a midday break for personal errands, the choice is yours. This flexibility extends to the physical space as well, from quiet areas for focused work to lively shared spaces that encourage interaction and collaboration.

Health and Focus Improvements

Joining a coworking space can lead to significant improvements in your health and work focus. Studies show that 70% of coworking members report being healthier than they were working in traditional settings. Additionally, 68% find themselves more focused while working in a coworking environment, and 64% report completing tasks more timely due to the structured yet dynamic environment.

Cost Efficiency

Coworking spaces provide a cost-effective solution for various business needs. By sharing resources such as internet, printers, and reception services, you can enjoy a high-quality office setting without the hefty price tag. This shared cost model makes coworking spaces an attractive option for startups and established companies alike, allowing for better allocation of resources towards business growth and development.

Social Connections and Networking

The social environment of coworking spaces makes them ideal for building professional networks and forming personal connections. Unlike isolated home offices or traditional corporate settings, coworking spaces give you the opportunity to mingle with like-minded professionals daily. This interaction can lead to new business opportunities, partnerships, and even friendships, enriching your professional and personal life.

Diverse and Creative Collaboration

Coworking spaces bring together professionals from various fields and industries, fostering a melting pot of ideas and perspectives. This diversity encourages creative problem-solving and innovation, as you're exposed to different ways of thinking and new business practices. Whether through formal collaborations or casual conversations, the exchange of ideas in coworking spaces can lead to breakthroughs in your work.

Enhanced Productivity

The design and atmosphere of coworking spaces are tailored to enhance productivity. With access to various work settings—from private offices to open desks—the environment adapts to your work preferences throughout the day. The professional setup, coupled with amenities like high-speed internet and comfortable workstations, supports your ability to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.

By joining a coworking space, you not only gain a flexible and stimulating work environment but also become part of a community that supports your professional and personal growth. Whether it's the cost savings, the networking opportunities, or the flexible workspace options, the benefits of coworking can significantly impact your productivity and overall job satisfaction.

Disadvantages of Coworking

Privacy and Security Concerns

Coworking spaces often lack the privacy and security measures required for handling sensitive information. Without dedicated private offices, your conversations and documents are potentially exposed to others. This lack of privacy can be particularly challenging when dealing with confidential client data or strategic discussions, which could inadvertently be overheard or observed by competitors. Additionally, shared internet connections pose a risk of data breaches and cyberattacks, exposing your business to potential legal and financial repercussions.

Increased Noise and Distractions

The open and communal nature of coworking spaces can lead to higher levels of noise and distractions. With multiple companies sharing the same space, the sounds of conversations, phone calls, and office equipment can disrupt focus and decrease productivity. The casual atmosphere might encourage socializing over working, leading to further distractions and a potential decline in work output.

Limited Customization and Growth

In coworking environments, the ability to personalize your workspace is restricted. This can affect your company's brand identity and culture, as you cannot customize the space with your logos or brand colors. Moreover, coworking spaces may not be scalable for larger businesses or those experiencing rapid growth, potentially requiring a move to a more traditional office setup to accommodate expanding teams and needs.

Variable Service Quality

Due to the transient nature of their clientele, coworking spaces may struggle to provide consistent and personalized customer service and IT support. This can lead to frustrations if you require immediate and specific assistance for your business operations. Unlike dedicated office spaces, where services can be tailored and consistently managed, the fluctuating population in coworking spaces makes it challenging to maintain high service standards.

Cost Efficiency Concerns

While initially seeming cost-effective, coworking spaces can sometimes offer less value for money in the long run, especially for businesses that require more than just a hot desk. The costs associated with additional services and space requirements can add up, potentially negating the financial benefits of choosing a coworking space over a traditional office lease.

Who Uses Coworking Spaces?

Coworking spaces are increasingly popular among a diverse group of professionals who value flexibility, community, and a collaborative work environment. These spaces are not just for freelancers or small startups but are also utilized by remote professionals, large corporations, and various other entities seeking innovative and flexible working solutions.

Remote Professionals

Remote professionals often find coworking spaces as an ideal solution to the isolation that can come with working from home. These spaces provide them with a sense of community and the opportunity to interact with other professionals, which can greatly enhance their work experience and motivation. The flexibility to choose a workspace that suits their daily needs and the availability of amenities like high-speed internet and meeting rooms make coworking spaces highly attractive to those who work remotely.


Freelancers comprise a significant portion of coworking spaces. These spaces offer them not just a desk or an office but a community that fosters networking and collaborative opportunities. Freelancers benefit from the structured environment which enhances productivity and helps maintain a clear separation between work and home life. Regular networking events, workshops, and the chance to mingle with professionals from various industries provide freelancers with invaluable opportunities for growth and finding new clients.


Startups thrive in coworking spaces due to the flexibility and cost-efficiency these environments offer. The ability to scale up or down easily without the commitments of traditional office leases allows startups to adapt quickly to their changing needs. Moreover, coworking spaces provide startups with access to a network of potential investors, mentors, and collaboration opportunities with other businesses, which can be crucial for their growth and success.


Surprisingly, even large corporations are shifting towards coworking spaces. These entities use coworking spaces to establish satellite offices or provide their employees with more flexible working options. Corporations find coworking spaces attractive not only for their cost-effectiveness but also for the access to innovation and a vibrant, entrepreneurial culture that can spur creativity among their employees. The presence in coworking spaces also allows companies to tap into a diverse talent pool and foster collaborations that might not be possible in a conventional office setting.

Coworking spaces cater to a broad spectrum of professionals and businesses, each drawn by unique benefits like flexibility, community, and networking opportunities. Whether you're a freelancer looking for company, a startup needing an adaptable space, or a corporation aiming to innovate, coworking spaces offer the environment and resources to help you succeed.

How to Choose the Right Coworking Space


When selecting a coworking space near me, location tops the list of considerations. It's crucial for the space to be conveniently accessible, whether by public transportation, major highways, or even on foot. Look for coworking spaces that offer easy access from different parts of the city and have good connectivity to airports and public transit systems. Additionally, consider the safety of the neighborhood, as well as the availability of parking, especially in densely populated cities where parking can be scarce. The right location not only saves you time but also contributes to a better work-life balance by reducing commute times.


Coworking spaces vary greatly in terms of the amenities they offer, which can significantly impact your daily work experience. Essential amenities to look for include high-speed internet, comfortable workstations, mail services, and access to printers and meeting rooms. However, many coworking spaces also offer additional perks such as a fitness center, cafes, and even relaxation areas. Some locations are even pet-friendly! Who wouldn't want to bring their best friend to work? Depending on your needs, you might value a space that offers conference facilities or one that provides leisure activities. Always tour the space to check if the amenities meet your expectations and help boost your productivity.


Your budget plays a critical role in choosing the right coworking space. It's important to understand what is included in your membership fee and what might incur additional charges, such as use of meeting rooms or printing services. Some coworking spaces offer tiered membership options that can be tailored to your usage and budget requirements. Additionally, consider the terms of the lease; some spaces offer flexible terms like month-to-month payments which can be beneficial if you're not ready to commit to a long-term contract.


Flexibility is another key factor in choosing a coworking space. This includes the hours of operation—some spaces might restrict access to standard business hours, while others offer 24/7 access, which can be crucial if you work late or have clients in different time zones. Consider also the types of workspaces available; whether you need a private office, a dedicated desk, or the freedom to hot-desk. The ability to scale up or down depending on your business needs without heavy penalties is also an important aspect of flexibility.

By carefully considering these factors—location, amenities, budget, and flexibility—you can choose a coworking space that not only meets your professional needs but also enhances your overall work experience.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Coworking Space

Maximize Available Resources

Coworking spaces are equipped with a variety of amenities designed to enhance your productivity and work experience. To get the most out of these spaces, utilize the high-speed WiFi, printing, and scanning services available. Take advantage of the on-site support for tech issues and make use of the friendly community managers who can facilitate introductions to industry professionals. Don’t forget to leverage the complimentary coffee and tea to keep you energized throughout your workday.

Embrace Flexibility

One of the key benefits of coworking spaces is their flexibility. You can choose a membership that fits your current needs and easily upgrade or downgrade as your business evolves. This adaptability extends to the physical space as well, with options ranging from hot desks to private offices. Embrace this flexibility by experimenting with different spots within the space to find which area best suits your productivity needs.

Engage with the Community

Coworking spaces often thrive on the community and networking opportunities they provide. Engage with this vibrant community by attending regular networking events and professional development seminars offered by the space. These interactions can lead to valuable professional connections and even friendships. Regular participation in community events is not only beneficial for professional networking but also enhances your social well-being.

Optimize Your Workspace

The design and layout of your workspace significantly impact your productivity and motivation. Many coworking spaces, such as Launch Workplaces, prioritize comfort and aesthetics alongside functionality. Take the time to personalize your workspace within the coworking environment to make it feel more comfortable and conducive to your work style. This can include choosing a spot with natural light, a view, or simply an area that feels more 'you'.

Maintain Work-Life Balance

Coworking spaces offer a unique environment that can help maintain a healthy work-life balance. Use the on-site gyms or mindfulness rooms to take breaks and reduce stress during the workday. These facilities not only help in keeping you physically fit but also aid in mental clarity and productivity. Additionally, the structured environment of coworking spaces helps in clearly separating your professional and personal life, which is crucial for long-term sustainability.

By utilizing these tips, you can maximize the benefits of working in a coworking space, making your workday productive, enjoyable, and balanced.


Through this comprehensive exploration of coworking spaces, we've journeyed from their inception as innovative hubs for collaboration to their role today as transformative platforms for professionals across various sectors. Whether for freelancers seeking community, startups craving flexibility, or corporations desiring innovation, coworking spaces have proven to be more than just an office alternative—they are a vibrant ecosystem fostering productivity, creativity, and professional growth. The advantages, from cost efficiency and enhanced networking opportunities to flexibility and a supportive community, underscore why coworking spaces have become an integral part of the modern work landscape.

As the demand for more dynamic and flexible workspace environments continues to grow, the future of coworking spaces looks bright, adapting to meet the evolving needs of a diverse professional population. For those ready to take the next step towards joining a coworking community, further information and support are just a phone call away at (888) 518-9168. Embracing the coworking model not only means finding a place to work—it means becoming part of a community that values innovation, collaboration, and mutual growth, setting the stage for endless possibilities in our collective professional futures.


1. What advantages do coworking spaces provide?
Coworking spaces are beneficial as they offer a cost-effective, flexible, and professional environment that enhances productivity and supports a better work-life balance. These spaces are ideal for individuals, freelancers, startups, and small businesses.

2. What are the fundamental values of coworking spaces?
Coworking spaces are built around five core values:

  • Collaboration
  • Openness
  • Sustainability
  • Accessibility
  • Community


3. Why do people flourish in coworking spaces?
People thrive in coworking spaces due to the sense of community these environments foster. With a diverse mix of professionals, including developers, freelancers, and journalists, coworking spaces promote camaraderie and inclusiveness, contributing to the overall success and satisfaction of their members.